Busy busy busy! The only enjoyable thing I did was visit my new grandbaby with the punkin children. Blaed and Ariel are pleased with their new cousin and Olivia seems to have accepted him completely. Lindsay is feeling good and Andy is glad to have the family home and settling into the new routine.
It was all downhill after that visit. Saturday morning I met with cases managers at Loretto to get Omi settled in to her temporary digs. She's still mad at me for making her stay there. Then home to poor Nana who is still in alot of pain and still not eating enough. In between changing dressings and administering pain pills, I painted some more of my house. This was complicated by rain showers off and on all afternoon.
Weeded my garden and mowed the lawn. What a drudge I am!!!
I'm looking forward to work tomorrow. My great escape!
Haha. This weekend has been the first break from work for two weeks and I was really looking forward to getting more work done but now all I wanna do is go back to work and get out of the house. Lol